K2 and the area around it immediately after "The Climber's" death.

"The Climber's" body is visible as a dark spot in the distance in some of these photos.

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1 - The tops of K2 and Capitol Peak are visible behind a rock massif which the trail to K2 skirts...


2 - K2 and Capitol Peak (marked).


3 - Face of K2 (center).


4 - The location of "The Climber's" body (circled) - on the face of K2.


5- - Arrow pointing to the approximate spot where "The Climber" was standing when the rock slide began - on the face of K2.


6 - The path of "travel"..., marked on the face of K2.


7 - The path of "travel"..., marked on the slope of K2. Capitol Lake is visible below.


8 - Retrieval of "The Climber's" body required a helicopter "lift".


9 - View of Capitol Peak (on the left) and K2 center from the backside - very steep slopes on both sides.

Again, the face of K2, as photographed during the ascent of Capitol Peak.





Five months before The Climber's death, he wrote this in a letter to immediate and extended family:


Editor's note - with reference to this quote, see Philippians 3:14 in the Bible.

Descriptions of the day by two of the other people with "The Climber" at the time of his death..

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